
Thursday, December 29, 2005

Bravo! No shit, I DREAMED about stealing minatures and paints last night/this morning. Think it was a mini-dream while I snoozed before work, but I swear to goodness, I had this bizarre dream. It's pretty faded from memory, but went something like this: Some kind of game-store was having a parking lot "going outta business" sale, and either I worked there or my friends worked there. And I was totally trying to figure out how to steal some paints and minis so I can paint them and play. Don't remember if the dream mentioned the game you guys are playing specifically, but I assume it was about that. I remember I stole the minis alright, but was real nervous about trying to pocket a paint set (think a set of paints was $58 dollars lol, and I was like "no way!") Fighting with myself, I couldn't remember if I had an old set of minis paint from my ultra-brief stint of buying that stupid gillion dollar space marine set. Was a fuckin' funny dream. Think before I woke I had reluctantly decided to just take home the minis and at least prime them or something. Think I chickened out from snaggin' the paint set. what the fuck!

anyways, awesome presentaion mike!