
Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Hello gentlemen! Enron I hear you like to bringing paints? Fantastical!

Oh yeah so anyway.

I land at orange county airport (SNA) tomorrow night at 9:35 post-meridian. I will be bearing miniatures, clothes, Nofriendo DS, and not much else! SNA!

Are you guys planning a Trader Joe's run or anything? If you are I would be much obliged if you could pick me up some ham or turkey or some shit, and some bread, and some cheese, and maybe some oranges, and maybe some sody pop? Maybe mustard could be in effect? And any random snacks that you think I might like? From TJs I really like chips, also salsa! And the white cheddar popcorn! And fuck it, some two-buck Chuck for when Myke rebuffs my advances and the nights feel cold!