
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hehe,I've got a pic up at that site. Hint: Server Twisting Nether

Man- killed my computer. Actually, purposely wiped my drive before I realized I can't find the proper os disks. fuck. gonna go search my shit hole again.

ADDED: While im at a somewhat working computer (my dads) yeah, wow is very fun! i had actually caught the hunter fever and had/have a orc hunter on Lightinghoof (rp-pvp the only way to go dude!) but alas he floats alone helpless at the crossroads at the ripe ol' age of 27. They've buffed the hell outta hunters and we are HELLISH in the battleground. Also, i got into taming the leet pets (my hunter had the pink flamingo -dead- "The Rake" fasest pet you can get till the mid 30s and the ultimate pet, HUMAR, a black lion. Lvl 23 elite in the barrens who's on a 12-24 hour spawn time. Camped his spawn location for like 5 hours, (was reading Feast o Crows) and fell asleep. Woke the next morning and just logged on to see if he was there and WHALA! Got that mo-fo!)

Finished Feast for Turkey Dinners the other night,and eh, it was good. Kind of half-assed and fake cause George RR Martin's little explantion at the back of the book doesn't make up for it being not a full book. I liked it cuz i like the world and characters and story etc, but seriously, aside from a couple of little plot advancements, just a whole lotta bullshit name dropping and teasing. Ah well - next one better make up for this one BIG TIMESZ!