
Monday, November 14, 2005

Before I Forget

Rudy, point your phone browser to "www.theactionteam.org/blog.html". Most phones have problems displaying IFRAMES (which I use for some reason), so rather than dealing with the frame, and the whole page, just link directly to the blog frame. Try it! You'll like it!

BTW I wanna check yer phone out, I was thinking about picking one of those up. And all the better if you know someone that might know of some that fell off the back of a truck *nudge, nudge* *wink, wink*

Also, I wanna pick up one of your CD's at the con! Bring em!

I was in FL this past weekend for my dad's wedding. Florida sucks. Particularly the place we were. Richy rich, ultra-elite, old person golf cart town island. Ugh. The reception was at a house next to the Dell CEO if that means anything to you you. I felt so dirty being there, I needed a nice wirebrush and bleach bath. Oh, and flying home, the flight was 4:40minutes, and probably 4 hours of that was through turbulence.

Fuck that.

Trying to get sent some ASL starter kit #3 playtest rules and scenarios for the weekend. We'll see!