
Friday, October 28, 2005

Zin Zorba

See! That public tongue lashing I gave my players payed off, a la Mike Keenan style. I got +9.5 points of ranking in one eve. Too bad I will fall a good bit this weekend to be sure. I think only 6 players total play Saturday and Sunday. Boo-urns.

I will be in LA LA land this weekend for my mother's Halloween/B-Day party on Saturday. If anyone wants to swing by sweet. Although I think Eric will find much more enteraining things too do. ELzar, "Yeah, I have some things to do". Me, "Like what?" Elzar, "Ummm, I have to uhhh, paint my cat's toe-nails. Stampy likes them green for Halloween."

Elzar, Ry, Rude, Pump, and Dr. Vagina, maybe we can get together for lunch on Sunday if you have some time.

Go Kings Go