
Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well, sort of. In our league, we have six offensive categories where you can score points: Goals, Assists, +/-, Penalty minutes, etc. There are also 4 goalie stats: Wins, save percentage, etc. Each category is assigned 5 points since there are 5 teams in the league. If there were 15 teams in the league, each category would be worth 15 points. If you lead in that category, you earn 5 points. If you are in second place in that category, you earn 4 points, and so on. Then, your points for each categoy are added up, and there is your total score.

Like I said before, the points generally do not change very much from day to day, but the challenge is, if you are in last place in a catgory and are only earning 1 point from that statistic, you will want to try to bolster your team by dropping a player that you don't necessarily need and add one that would add strength to that deficient category. Hope this helps!