
Saturday, October 01, 2005

Nobody Expects the Menite Inquisition!

Myke! I am tickled pink that you have joined the WarMachine gang. And you might even read the rules? Holy frijoles! I'm really stoked. Maybe we can have a multi man-jo-man game at GenCon! Or even play through a short campaign. I have been looking at my old Chainmail stuff for inspiration and it would be very easy to adapt that tournament structure to WM. The prize for winning the tournament is, maybe Denis paints your models or something, I don't know. I'M EXCITED!!!11

I saw Serenity in a big theater full of geeks last night and wouldn't have had it any other way. The movie is really good. The series definitely made the transition to the big screen well. It's kind of like seeing all your friends after a long time, everybody is sort of different at first, but you adjust to it. Anyway, it's the best sci-fi movie to come along in a while and I recommend it (although I highly recommend watching the series first, if you haven't already -- makes the movie a lot more effective). Anyway I'm sort of rambling in ambiguous terms here because I'm itching to talk about some of the stuff that happens in the movie, but I can't, so argh!