
Monday, October 10, 2005

I too feel for you

Rude: I know where you are coming from. Several years of less than stable employment and moving up here in the first place have really taken their toll on me financially. Who knows how many years it will take to recover. The recovery is agonizingly slow. Besides Being unemployed is so F'ing depressing. Ugggg, No more for me pleeze... My worst moment has to be when Jon and I spent 30 minutes, 100 feet from a bridge toll booth trying to figure out how we were going to get across the bridge with no toll money and no funds in our ATMs. After 30 minutes of change (and soul) searching we found enough change in the car to make it across.

Ry, you need to fix your suit à la Joel style. Meaning: seal the crotch with an abrasive hard rubberized glue, lend it to your friend Aaron, let him surf the first time ever in a soup of kelp and rip-tides, give him a 6' 3" thin ass board, dont pay any attention to him while he struggles with sea-weeds up the ying yang, get busy with some waves 200 yards away while he paddles for ten minutes straight TOWARDS the beach before he realizes he is in a rip and that it is not just drag from sea kelp (cuz he is a num nut and should know better), talk with some beach babes while letting your suit chaff the shit out of his nuts because you did such a fine patch job that you might as well have used skateboard grip-tape for patch work instead of glue. Result: Enjoy as your friend nurses the sorest scrotum ever. Thankx Joel. Come to think of it, now I know why I never went back to surf with him.

Good to know about the new DM album. Ry will have Three cheers for sure. I had been wondering if it was going to be good. Ill have to check it out.

Elzar: Well I stil have the jelly jar, but the waldo/wyvern proxy is in LA hidin' out. Booo...


PS Lizzies Nipples... Brilliant. Jon find that Tape next time you are in LA. Gotta Podcast that.