
Monday, October 10, 2005

Fuck You Cash-Call! or News from the Land 'O Broke!

Hi. Fuck the world, yeah? I'm so incredibly broke. Bills ain't gettin' paid! Dunno what to do. Living like this feels just grand.

Anyways, that's my hot newz. Yeah Eric, I didn't even submit myself to iTunes, so don't know how I'd make a dj list. Would be hella fun though. I can bring some CDs to the con to sell to you guys for youre hard earned cash. $40 bucks cheap - they're imports (from my fucking apartment!)

Yeah, Ryan you made me laugh with that paint joke. Jon is scaring me with all this weird miniature's talk.

My Playlist of late:

Depeche Mode - Playing the Angel (really good! wish I could see 'em in concerto, but it's too pricey for me right now.)

Citizen Cope - Self titled and some other fuckin' album (Heard him on some WB show I think, liked it, like the albums even more. Borderline I-shouldn't-like-this stuff, but seems pretty good.)

And some other shit you guys would hate. (One involves Gavin from Bush and the other is his "wife"s solo cd.)
