
Sunday, October 23, 2005

Cheatin in games sucks! But, i noticed all the games i've played are heavy with the punkbuster shit, so do you think people still cheat on it? I'm sure they do, but most of the times i've died these few games I've played is just cuz i've been open to get shot on.

Oo, something I noticed I don't miss from FPS's is all the doosh-bags talking on the general channel. God, just a few games of Wolfenstein Enemy Territory or AA make me realize that the WoW general chat was never that bad. It definately could get obnoxious, but because people can report others for using offensive language, stuff was dealt with pretty switfly. On all these free and open games, the jerk-mouthes come out in force. Oh well!

I've been drunk since like noon (and I worked 10 hours today to boot, haha stick it to you suckers!)