
Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Wow.. does anyone know what I do? *hmmm* owell wtf, including me i guess. heh

Eric, it's sales engineering work at a cable assembly company, mostly trying to source and design wire harnesses, electronic hook ups, and lead wires, connectors for the electronics OEM companies. We also do AC/DC power cords for european/asia/US configurations. Then there's your common crap cables, printer, usb, lan, I don't do too much of those as they are really competitive and small margined.
SO there are parts on a cable that requires strain relief or something like that that requires custom molding... hence the PVC. But it's basically the same injection machines that makes your plastic game pieces (i think) just a different hardness pvc compound. BTW there are tons of PVC compounds, the PVC that makes the plastic pipes are just one of them. And no... we don't lay those. heh doh.

There's also a few things I'm working on on the side, ie. own enterprising (no not multi level crap) manufacturing and distributing supplements and have lately been turned on to the ideas of outsourcing call centers, but Don't ask if you don't want to get into it.

And OH... just in case everyone ELSE didn't know? I'm still in the philippines... although "hiding at the cons" would have been a great second answer. heh
