
Saturday, September 17, 2005

That's pretty damn funny....

My boss seriously talks about his World of Warcraft character ALL THE TIME. I mean, in the geekiest possible manner, throwing around words like "proc" and "toon" with reckless abandon. Listening to his constant discussions with random people that come into the room, I have a taste of what it was like for people who didn't play the game listening to us talk about it (like Enron). Oh well. Man, we could talk about that damn game for hours! Still could, probably.


Anyway, tomorow is Hockey Day, huzzah! Yes Aeryk you will have to see my mostly-painted robuts. You can laugh at my efforts, then slowly tear my ticket into pieces. I guess it'd be a hassle for you to bring yours up huh? Too bad 'cause it'd be nice to get into a three-way battle. I suppose we will have to settle for our usual three-way bucoffee.

The minis I ordered online came the other day (free priority shipping = teh awesome), and I spent this morning prepping them. I feel so paternal as I patiently scrub their little metal hides free of grease using an old toothbrush and some soap and water and then gently file down their bases.

Anyway, what I ordered was, I wanted to fill out my Cygnar and Cryx armies to 500 points so that hopefully Enron and I can get in some bigger games and maybe start using the campaign rules. If you order online it's pretty cost-effective to put together an army. You can do a pretty solid 500-point army for about $85, maybe with an extra merc or two. That simultaneously is, and is not, a lot of money.

So, yeah, go me!