
Thursday, September 15, 2005


They have really dropped the ball the past few years. They used to be a real developmental and innovative powerhouse. Now they just lag. I mean the Walkman and the Playstation were both amazing products. Sony always had a great sense of quality and formulas for design. That all seems to have been forgotten with the PSP and their first two generations of 'iPod killers'/abominations. I mean come on, ATRAK only encoding? What kind of retard thought that was going to sell like an iPod? They just do not get it. How can a company that was so proactive with both R&D and strong marketing research find themselves so far off the beaten path? PSP just seems to be a continuation of the erosion of their marketing research. Shit they have the design, but they seem intent on driving it over a cliff. Moral of the story: “Worry less about mods and a hell of a lot more about giving people a reason to spend cash on their lucrative licensing income machine”, aka games of quality. MS went through all that shit to prevent Xbox mods for Linux. In the end they wasted a shit load of resources on an almost non-existent percentage of the market. And for what? How much did they really lose in sales? Maybe a few hundred to a thousand terminals? On the otherhand how much did they waste in their legal departments? Just damn short sighted. If you are going to sell a product at a loss on the hopes of making up the lost profit on recurring add-on sales, you have to accept the responsability for producing desireable products. Dont' pass the buck. None of this litigation and DRM shit that just mascarades as copyright protection when in fact it is just a disguise for lazy companies unwilling to be competitve and innovative. The number one issue with large companies right now. It’s the whole adage of tripping over a hundred dollar bill to grab a nickel. Read: Music industry. As Joel would say: "ASSHOLES".

Perhaps Magnetbox or Panaphonics should enter the fray