
Monday, September 12, 2005

Podcast via iTunes

I think this has a lot to do with my repressed desire to be a radio hero as well as my withdrawl from any sort of regular gaming schedule, but I love listening to Podcasts now. I just discovered the feature of iTunes 5, and have been sampling all sorts of "shows", and just discovered the gamer nerds talking about games with each other.

RPGMP3 has a podcast as well (the people who record their gaming sessions) and for whatever reason, it is interesting to me. Apparently my standards for what would make a good TV or radio show differ from the American Public, because I really like listening to (and watching if I could), people play games. Why is that?

It's better than most crap out there anyway. Check it out! Fun stuff for everyone! We should podcast Kubla and Gen con! Why!?!?!? I dont know!

It's like HAM radio clubs are back in style and sticking it to the man (FCC) via Pirate Radio blended themselves into a delicious Juice Club beverage.