
Friday, September 30, 2005

Im with you...

. Elzar I agree. As much as the additional steps and the more formal posting on blogger may hinder some of my posting, I thing the chat window discourages people from really speaking out. Besides it doesnt get logged does it? How are we supposed to have a sweet archive with the chat going stealing our thoughts into a void.

. Nice job on shutting down the freeloaders out of your network. Fuggers. I also like the attack into their router, a bit of a invasions in to the gray area of open wireless network accees, and the changing of the password is cool. I bet they never find it though. I mean most people never access their router once they have set it up. Too many of those things come with security defaulted to off and no important teachings about how/why it should be used.

. Myke you can not be busy any more. What are you cataloging your pubic hairs and carbon dating that shit? Ill do you a little favor and cut you in on a little secret: unless you are vampyre, your coprolite you have been saving is no older than about 31 years. Get off your Duff bear and speak the word of Khorne.

. I have not seen Make before. I will have to check it out. I still think the George Forman Grill webserver was awesome. I still want to make something like that. Band o Brothers is still mega-zor sweet.

. Jorn: That sounds like a fantastic convention. I especially like the awkward boob conversation. Sign me up for wierd creepy perverted guys talking about the merits of optically fucking a woman's boobs with a total stranger.
