
Monday, September 26, 2005

GenCorn: I would be thrilled out of my skull if we got in some serious RPG'n. D&D, WFRP, CoC. All good. These days I take all the RPG I can get. As far as Pre-Registering, I guess we really need to start thinking about that. GenCon is eraly this early and keeps faking me out. That and I can not believe it is almost October.

ELzoR: What were those paints you were talking about being awesome. Most of my paints in LA are probably shit by now and I am getting the itch to paint again. Might as well start it off right. How is the DMG II?

fARt: You lay out ass scorpions out for me in my chairs and I am going to lay clear gamer caltrops wall to wall in my creame-colored, carpeted apartment on my way out in the morn while you sleep. Good luck. Oh, and I will use Jewel edge D4s. None of those pansy rounded pointed D4s. Eek...
