
Tuesday, September 13, 2005

5 months... and nothin,

I've dolled out at least 30 sales quotes to different customers, but so far, I've got nothin, no bites. not one. Some of them are million pieces or more. Wow... i'm sure giving my moneys worth here. So I can either a) keep trying or b) shoot myself with a shotgun c) complain on the blog. So there you have it.
On the side note, we have PVC machines, so I was thinking I could make customized mold blocks and make cool Game pieces! hazzah! And lots of PVC to boot. Maybe I'll make a World of Warcraft, RPG board game.

Okay, anyhow. I just saw Revenge of the sith, and I have to say, I'm not that impressed. Since when did emulating or rather, Imitating a great classic become par to being a good movie? There were no new concepts, lame acting (expected with this cast, except for yoda,) and sub-pre modern special effects? In the past you had, Death Stars, cool new races, Walkers, Jet bike chases, tie fighers, bombers etc etc.
Creativity up the yin yang. This movie? None.
In light that the 2 predecessors were complete dolfs, it doesn't make ROTS (IN HELL) a great prodigy.

