
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Yay for a little Hess-ling!

Sleep now, while you can. Seriously. No matter how much people told me (us) that it would be so, it never really sunk in completely. And how. The thing that gets me is we have a kid that pretty much sleeps through the night with the occaisonal blip here and there for teething, growth spurts, colds, diaper rashes, food sensitivities.. that I can't even imagine the level of sleepless stupor we'd be in if she wasn't so. Ugh. So.. sleep. A lot. Enjoy the lucious, velvety goodness that is unconsciousness at your whim. That being said.. there's just absolutely nothing as cool as being a parent. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Speaking of, Haylee is taking her first steps right now.. she'll probably be fully mobile by the time you get here next month. Frightening, eh?

I think the moment of truth for me was that first night in the hospital when it was just the three of us and Haylee was in her little hospital-provided basinet thingy and I couldn't handle her having to sleep alone on her first night in the world. Took her out of there and held her while she slept until the expected first poop occurred (this is about 3-4am):

Uh oh.


I don't know how to do this and I don't want to screw it up!

(Do I wuss out and call a nurse for help?)



Well, I guess there's no time like the present to figure this out.

Just do the best you can.. you can do this.

Find a towel.

Get some water.

And a diaper.

...proceed to clean baby up as best as possible and fumble nervously like a rookie with diaper...

Well, there. Diaper #1 of 10,342 complete and I didn't wake up the wife or call a nurse. Natural 20, baby. Natural 20.



We're all getting old, my man. Shit, I think my hair is starting to fall out even. Thanks, grandma. Oh well. When/if it gets to the point where it looks like I'm hiding something, I'll go shave-o-riffic. Maybe I'll be scary goatee guy.


Insert Tab A in Slot B. Wait until significant other starts getting overly emotional or catch them eating weird shit (pickles and brownies.. seriously!) Pee on stick. Wait nine months. Congratulations, you're now a full time baby sitter!