
Saturday, August 20, 2005

I think some of my best material has come from when I am tired too. First of all, your filters about what is funny/not funny and appropriate/not appropriate are not quite working. Also, everybody else is tired too so they are more susceptible to thinking your crazy bullshit is humorous. Therefore, Carrot Head at midnight = top genius!

I had fun going to a couple of Kings games. I think that makes me like the 20th biggest fan of hockey in the US? Enron I still say we should Shrek out (as Rudy might say) the Sharks sometime. We will kick the glass with our boots and have us a good old time.

Hey AEryk I would like to see pix of your newly airbrushed robuts. Enron: we getting together tomorrow again? How's about we make a run to the game store for some paints n' shit?

I was in the middle of a deep, REM sleep (dream: I was a blonde, curly-haired '70s guy in prehistoric times telling a girl, "Baby, I'm from the future") when the doorbell rang and woke me up. Consequently I have a huge headache that I cannot shake. Yeargh!