
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I got dentisted, hard.

Feh, my fugging mouth! I hate going to the dentist. I think that the experience, on the whole, is about as close as one can realistically get to medieval torture chambers without being abducted by a serial killer.


As for the camp, it's on like Donkey Kong! We got set back by a day because our intended destination had a barfing kid, but it seems that all is well (we hope), so we're going to head out tonight for San Dog. I'm planning on showing up at the camping site sometime Friday afternoon-ish and I'll be staying until either Saturday night or Sunday morning is my guess.


I'm going to keep periodically bugging you for some sounds.. so beware. =)


Looks like things are shaping up for my trip to Oakland/SanFran in October. Some buddies have organized a luxury box and everyone has successfully chipped in, so I'll be there the weekend of the San Diego game (SD themed post, throughout!), which off the top of my head I believe is October 16th. I was thinking of flying in Thursday night, hanging out with y'all when I'm not at the game. The only other events I know of are a group dinner planned for Saturday night and a buddy of mine wants to go to some BBQ place for lunch. If you're up for either the more casual lunch or the more hearty dinner event, let me know! (And let me know if that weekend looks to be a good one for you?)



~Cap'n O.