
Monday, August 08, 2005

Gabba Gabba Hey Peter Jennings is Dead

So Denis and I played a rousing micro game of Warmachine on sunday to great enjoyment! I think that the game will play out significantly different when a) the board is larger than 2'x2', and b) there is terrain. As it was, the two sides faced off in two battle lines, and moved toward each other. The Big Cygnar warjack charged and smashed the skull of the Khador pikmen leader, the rest of the unit then surrounded the warjack and prodded it with their 2" range melee attack like natives surrounding an elephant. Many potshots were taken at the Khador destroyer, who lumbered on launching ineffectual mortar shots. Eventually, one balsy wee Cygnar warjack tried charging the Destroyer, failed, and was engaged by the hand to hand Khador warjack after Sorscha used her freezing feat. After spending 4 focus points, the heavily damaged (and frozen)Cygnar jack was thrown into some Cygnar fighting men, crushed them, and became a slag heap from the toss damage. Sorscha then moved into LOS between her hulking jacks in front of her, cast a wind blade spell at the Cynar warcaster, then finished the job by blowing him away with a well placed hand cannon shot.

All in all, a really fun game that is simple to play, and relatively fast as well. I look forward to playing again soon! Jon! Spray paint all your Cryx stuff black, then drybrush them lightly with grey, then paint the eyes green or read, maybe some skin color, maybe some metal bits with silver, and you will be done and ready to rock! Do it!

I picked up an airbrush and am trying to learn using it on my Khador stuff. It looks very "military" and "tanky". I like it so far.

Also, Denis and I have a two week timeline to finish painting and basing the DBA armies, so that means another miniatures game ready to play! Denis commented that this must be some kind of gaming record for the group!

Hockey is returning and I couldn't be happier!

AARON: Are you coming camping or not? I'm gonna say no, but please blog or call one way or another you pecker.