
Sunday, July 24, 2005


Funny you should mention how much you liked this movie.

We recently bought a copy of this movie at Costco because we had heard critics rave about how funny and sharp this film was.. and wound up agreeing that it was quite possibly one of the absolute worst movies we've ever seen. There were maybe two or three legitimate funny moments in the film, and you saw all of those in the trailer. Now, the asterisk in this is that I don't find uncomfortable situations funny. I find them.. uncomfortable. So, with that in mind, to each his own. On that same note, I didn't like "Meet the Parents" either. Generally, I've found that any movie with Ben Stiller in anything resembling a starring role is guaranteed to suck huge ass. But, I digress.

If you really loved the Sideways, or if anyone else would like to see the movie, I'll ship you the DVD if you're interested. Just lemme know.