
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sentences you would never imagine escaping your lips in casual conversation pre-baby:

"Hey, take this, and clean it up."

"...what the hell is that that on it?"

"...it's diaper ointment. She shoved it in her crotch while I was changing her."


Potluck, part deux:

Scientology.. whack job scam artists, yes.

Stealth: Holy Fuck, what a rad ass movie. Coming SOON to a video store near you.

Funny as balls: http://www.toxic.no/php/vis_film.php?id=82

Birthday camping/BBQ: We SO want to come.. but still working out baby logistics. Not quite sure how we'll make that work out just yet.

Aaronious: I'm still planning on coming into town for a Raiders game this fall, you think it would work better for me to try and get a hotel room close to the colliseum, or hang with you guys for a night or two so we can visit, drink and be merry? (I have no functioning knowledge of public transportation).

(Hi everybody! I'm still alive!)