
Monday, July 11, 2005


Ja -El: Nice to hear from you again. I hope work is treating you well. Happy B-Day. You’re still the baby of the group. Ahhhh.. Little Johnny boy. How Cute! Man that Aaron guy is a jArk! Anyway if you make your way back to the bay area for a bit I would be interested in hangin'. Only caveat is that I will be moving at the end of this month so I will probably be a bit useless until after the say the 28th or so. I also would like to attend Elznatch's B-Day bash the weekend of the 12th-14th.

Jorn: We should chat about big E's b-day soiree.

All: As you may have guessed based on my comment to Johnny Khan I am moving. I will be moving about town to an area closer to the core of the city. In fact, I will be three blocks away from Janis's house. Also the place will hopefully be able to have guests instead of the burnt place we have now. Finally, looks like I will have a real job soon. No more 'I could lose my job at any moment' temp agency work. The pay is okay and the work not the most challenging, but at least the environment is pleasant, the people are nice, I will have a reliable paycheck and probably some descent benefits.

This is my favorite Ultra-Condensed book summary. Brilliant:
Hamlet By William Shakespeare
Ultra-Condensed by Adrien Arnold

Hamlet: Whine whine whine...To be or not to be...I'm dead.


Check out this Dungeon Masters Guide II (D&D) review at slashdot.org.

"Our company policy is that, 'If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our service, I hate you.'"  -- Sweet, Sweet convenience store sales clerk in Futurama