
Friday, July 22, 2005

JJ Mc Lee

I think I will now refer to you as J.J. McLee. That was a damn funny post. JJ, I look forward to your presence again in the bay area. Gotta get some gamin' and drinkin' and maybe even we can tackle the lustyand insatiable women of Fremont. BTW JJ, were you drinkin' when you wrote that post. Positively sweet.

Jon I will be movin' on Saturday, depending on how things are going Sunday, maybe we can make a trip down. We will have to see how things pan out for me. The way things are going though I think I am going to want a break. One more night of packing/cleaning until midnight and getting up at 6 for work is going to kill me if I dont get some R&R.

Gotta Go... D>M>