
Sunday, July 31, 2005

Ah, a nice day of gaming. The 10d6 crowd came by and we played two games of Shadows Over Camelot (lost horribly the first time, won the second time -- used the traitor deck, but everybody drew Loyal). Played some Virtua Tennis, a bunch of Soul Caliber matches on my Dreamcast -- man, those games are so awesome. I looove Soul Caliber.

Finally, we busted out Eric's copy of Arkham Town Horror Fight. The downside of this game is that it's pretty complicated, and is long. BUT, it's also really fun with great atmosphere and the mechanics are very cool. Since we started late we all wore down quickly, but if you dedicated an afternoon to it, and knew that you were getting into a longish game, I think it would be really great.

Update: I've been thinking about it and I take it all back, the game is totally lacking some important shit, please read and sign my important petition:



We are writing to express our serious displeasure with your new board-game, "Arkham Horror." While your game goes a long way towards capturing the mytho-terrorogical feel of HP Lovecraft's stories about "Call of Cthulhu," we are extremely disappointed to see that you have failed to include the following archetypal elements of the Lovecraft experience. We, the undersigned, will not rest until you have incorporated the following into the game, AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOUR CUSTOMERS.

1. There should be a location, "Prostie's." The encounters at this location should require the players to jam shotguns into the prostitutes' mouths. Also, there should be a mechanic so that players can trick other players into utilizing the services of this establishment, against their will.
2. There MUST be a new character added, "A. Smoxakahk." I do not remember what he does.
3. You must also add a character named "Dewey Lewis." He should have special rules to reflect his successful career as a trumpet musician. Also a hit location system MUST be added so that this character is always being shot or clubbed in the right leg.
4. You have failed to include Lovecraft's famous Vietmanese character, Van. This character should sell "magic shirts." (Which work.)
5. Although the game is long, it is not NEARLY long enough. The rulebook should be over 300 pages long with copious handouts. The game should take hundreds of hours to complete. Unless the party goes to visit at least 50 friends or contacts, all of whom turn out to be horribly murdered, IT IS NOT HP LOVECRAFT'S CRHULHU.

Thanks to you heartless sons of bitches for fucking up this game so badly for all of us. I hope you're fucking ashamed. Fix this shit or we, the Internet, are going to be so pissed.