
Friday, June 10, 2005

Mixed Nuts

Ry, you are truly in a strange profession to be hating kids. Yet, I totally see where you are coming from. When I was that age and a few years younger, I was a little shit. Art, Rich and I were adminstratively seperated from the fourth grade through the 6th because the teachers complained so much about our in class disruptions. I think Art even called one of our teachers Mrs. Uterus once.

Jon: That was a brilliant expose on that f'd up town of Fremont. One thing that sucks about the Cod piece protection device is: if we do not coordinate our cod piece accessorization, one we do not match and two if one of us accidently wears a north cod piece and the other a south, Oh damn thats bad news. Cause the girls in Fremont will go ape and call in the reinforcements to convert the "sick" men who have caught gay when our cod pieces end up inseperably groin to groin with attraction action.

Elzar: Man that market is nutty down there. I mean who the hell can afford anything there. Jebuz. A couple more years of that and nothing even in Hermosa will be under 1 Megabuck. On a side note I gotta check out that DVD. I have been on a metal kick for the past couple of weeks.

Fart: Good to hear from you. I thought maybe you just buried yourslef after not renting the place. How is the Vegas treating you? Flour dust plus fire equals bad. Not as explosive as coal dust, but dirty none the less. ANyway yeah give me a heads up as to when you will be in our neck of the woods. Goin' to the Traiders eh? Jarks. Ill never forget going with you and your Dad. Man we were so oblivious to the crap that goes down in those games back then. I remember we spent an hour trying to con a vendor out of a cup of ice because we were playing some game with it. Awesome.

K Gotta Go