
Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Grab bag of shit

-- Ryan, your job sounds like teh sux. I have other friends who went through the educational trial-by-fire of bad public schools. None of them had to teach middle school, though. You have my sympathies!
-- I hurt my finger playing football at work, WTF? It's all swollen up and shit, but hey, I caught some passes. Fuck you guys, I'm a fucking jock now, I'll fucking punch you in the ass with my penis.
-- Two drinkin' buddies from LA came up this weekend and oh, the drinking. I mean up-until-3:30-drinking-on-a-work-night drinking. It was great! We drank fancy-pants Fernet Branca with ginger ale shots. This is a drink that combines 40 herbs and spices into a brown sludge that tastes like perfumed dirt. Good though. Yum!
-- It's looking more and more certain that I'll be out of a job again in July. Can I get a :( ? Oh well, at least I will have paid down about two grand of debt from it and that's not nothin'.
-- I continue to make my Saves vs. World of Warcraft like I'm a fucking 15th-level monk. I barely have time to read the blog lately, much less run that silly-ass gnome all over the place. Not writing it off permanently, mind you.... Although their new contest shows they are definitely working to keep Denis involved.