
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Awesome news Eric. I had no idea Faulkner was working anymore. Glad he got past his alcohol demons.

Some ASL sounds pretty good. I get the chit desire every once in a while. Actually, I'm in a wargaming mood in general. I still want to play Warmachine SOMEDAY... and I was at Games of Berkeley looking through the Warhammer Ancient Battles stuff. What scale does that run in? Yayfun Warmaster scale, or poopy poo WFB scale? A 10mm wargame sounds neat, mostly since they tend to be cheap to get into. Any recommendations? (Pre-modern era is best, for me.)

Oh, there is a strong chance I will be home for about a week in mid-July with a fair amount of free time. Maybe we can fire up ASL then. Are you going to be around?