
Sunday, May 08, 2005

"I love the lower races, and am at all times cognizant of the White Man's Burden." -- Ryan P. Walsh

Anyone else looking forward to some serious Jar Jar action? Man I really hope he's a little more present in the next movie. I really missed him last time around. Hopefully Star Wars Episode III: Attack of the Clones Part 2 will boast a little more Gungan comedy. Haven't seen him in the previews yet but I think Lucas is playing his cards close to the vest. Like when the Emperor says "Lord Vader -- Rise!" and Vader comes up on the trestle thing? I read a "spoiler" that what really happens is they raise the wrong one and Jar Jar is strapped to it and he says "Meesa no wanna be a dark lord!" Then some super funny shit happens, then after that they raise the correct trestle and it really is Darth Vader on that one -- that's when it gets pretty serious.

I saw Hitchhiker's Guide last night and was pretty disappointed. It just wasn't all that funny. It was more like a semi-amusing way to pass a couple of hours. A chuckle here, you know, a chortle there. But not much more. Although that wasn't the opinion of the middle-aged couple behind me. They would ROAR with laughter and then repeat everything.

"What's your name?"

"HOOOO HOOOO HOOO! 'What's your name?' 'Slartibartfast!'"

It was really weird. Least funny lines. ROARING with laughter. My theory is that they were big Douglas Adams fans, and also they were on their first date and were overly eager to prove they were having a good time. That's cute. Fuck them.

I conclude this presentation with a pornographic cartoon starring some of your favorite characters!
