
Thursday, April 28, 2005

Mine's F'n ripe

So ripe I peeled it and ate it. Fuggers, dont look at me like you havent. Besides Eric likes it. Likes the way it feels on his teeth. Mmmmm ripenis.

Yeah so what if I added an 'H'. Whats it thoo you john chunt eater-son. Man I am so burnt. I havent slept more than 4 and a half hours on any day in the past four nights. Didnt help that one of those nights I woke up every 30 minutes thinking I forget to make a specific and often ludicrous change in the book before it went to the printer. I am burnt to a cris. MacDonalds, breakfast of champions. Rock on New York, Rock on Chicago.

Pump: It is good to see that you have not died trying to protect all your mintures in a moment of perverse clarity by ingesting them all individually wrapped in the poor mans condom, Saran wrap. BTW if you try rubbing the delicious new video card on your belly it is a much more intense feel than what could ever be had with your hands.

The book is done. Yeeha! The first 10 prototype wire-bound printings came off the press and will be peddled to potential publishers at the AIA convention after they tour Italia. If they dont get picked up, they will be perfect bound at a real printer, otherwise, who knowswhat will happen if a publisher picks them up.

My 210 minutes of glory(hole) action in LA, of which 60 was spent at LAX, was brief and full of signitures, notaries and hoodwinking in no particular order. At least I got a chance to have dinner with my Mum and Wienerdude at good old Sion's. Mmmmm Bistek Picado and a Pacifico. Rule.

Elzar: Respond you punk ass turd. Me need the Warhammer! Teehehehe

We Have Fallatiated Ryan's Penis

BTW David may not make it to the Con. Home boy tried to get airline tickets, but they were just too expensive. Booooo...