
Friday, April 22, 2005

LOL.. that cafepress stuff is priceless.

I've got little new news other than I am SO GOD DAMNED PUMPED for the NFL Draft tomorrow.. WOOOOOO! It's Christmas in April. =]

Oh, in non-related, yet still goodness-news.. check out the new material put out for the Badge of Blood project. We were going to hang onto it for a seperate "exclusive" press release but it was burning a hole in our pocket so we voted "screw it" and put it on the front page. Hehe..


Hey, while you're there.. click the "top 100 moddb" button on the top right. We can use all the help/exposure we can get. =]

RUDE MAN.. if you still have time/interest, I've not forgotten about your musical talents. Let me know if you need anything from my end, or if you have some sketches/roughs to throw into the mix?

(I'm still laughing at the Deaf Mute merchandise.. LOL)

Late guys..

~Cap'n O.