
Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Denis is Two-Timing Us!

Or rather, posting on the other blog but not our beloved Action Team! Does that make him a two timer, or a traitor? Anything bad? Whatever.

Denis: Can you maybe get Thursday off too? That way we could go to Kubla wednesday night, and get that bonus night at the con Jon was talking about. Possible? And my Blood Bowl team for the con will be an Ogre team. I got a box of the new plastic ogres, and they convert pretty well with some green stuff. So, I'll try to get that done. And there is a BB 7's tournament on Sunday we should play in. We can even train prior and finally use the 7's board I have!

Mike: We should rock the High3nd show friday! Also, have you read any of the Crossfire rules? And, I made an Anti-Leonidas out of the box killer for Anachronism! It uses Beowolf's axe which does 2 damage and allows a free attack when you critical, an Inspiration that makes all hits criticals for that round, and a kimono that allows one space of movement when your opponent misses an attack. There is something else in there too, but I can't remember what it is. Stock Leonidas is dead finally! Funny story about that, Ryan was playing as Leonidas as when I first tested the Killer deck, and he slaughtered me due to appalling die rolls. I cried, then tried again, and finally beat Leonidas! Of course, to make the universe right, I need to beat Leonidas while you are playing him...

Highend: Make a million dollars from record sales dude! Can we buy the CD at the release party? How did you say farewell to Rico? I still have not put Doc to bed just yet, I just haven't even wanted to turn the game on for fear of being sucked back in after such a long time away!

Everyone: I am absolutely addicted to Buffy and Angel right now. I never saw an episode when it was on TV, except for "Shhh", the quiet one with the floating scary doctor demons, and now I am watching the DVD's obsessively. Season 1 - 5 of Buffy, done. Season 1 of Angel, done. Season two, one disk from done. Sickness. I even bought the Buffy RPG, which looks like goofy fun. SICK!

Also, I will try and get the Memoir '44 casualty counters finished by the con, but no guarantees about the terrain. I have kind of lost my fire for that project, seeing as I really have only played it once in what seems like forever. Maybe having Mike around for awhile will get me playing it more and motivated to finish the terranious maximus.

And another thing, GW has released a plastic boxed set of Terminators, so maybe somewhere down the road I can pick some up and replace the stolen terminators for Space Hulk! Though, some of those were the classic JP paint jobs which will never be replaced... *sob* *weep*

Johnny: So angry you eBay'd your 2nd edition Space Hulk!