
Friday, March 04, 2005

A whole new side of (beef) World of warcraft...

Last night, was definitely an eye-opener, as to what can happen if you stay up until 3 am in the morning. It also strengthens the game improvement theories I mentioned to Jon a few weeks ago. Just hanging out in a virtual world, separates a thin thin line between what's real and whats not. The only restriction is the actual character emotes in the game programming. So my theory to jon was this... why not have a fighting game incorporating character developement such as in the Sims? Developement of character happiness and relationships in the virtual world is just as important as fighting monsters and leveling. Look at the psuedo Ebay at Iron forge. Ebay is a success, but so is IF AH. The time people spend there figuring out it's intricacies, speaking from experience, is just a tad less than the actual time spent questing. Would it not be cool if you can see ur character hug another? Just a thought.

But moving on to Thyberx... so I was innocently standing in the AH, running up some calculations on how to make more gold, donning my new guild tabard. My guildies started bombarding me with tells and for some reason some strangers were also asking me what price they should sell *khoo's point* (my blue magical spear). So i was busy telling back, when all of a sudden a tall hot, Elven vixen who's name i won't disclose, whispered in my ear asking if "she knew me from somewhere". We conversed a bit, on my guild, and what not. We offered each other some items and i offered her some potions all the while with little bits of pleasantry. Now at this time, i wasn't quite sure if she was a he, and a little innocent coo went on here and there, such as a hug, or a smile and we talked about how hot her character looked. I decided to take off my talbard to show her how hot my character was with his abs showing (from the half chestplate) and she agreed. That's when she disrobed and started dancing to my chagrin!! Going along with it, I got naked and started dancing, asking her if she liked it with the plate boots on and who was her daddy. u get the point. After we danced, then i asked her if she would like to duel and we went outside dueling naked with fist fighting. She started to tell me to punch her in the back of the head??? wtf? I found out though she was married and was 28 and was a canadian/german.

I figured she was quite a freaky german lady, and after a bit, we called it nites.

that was it.
