
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

OK. Let's see.. what's fun, who's gamblin, and what's cookin bitterly apparently?

On: Art
Glad ur trip turned out so well and Art is fully rooted in Las vegas. Hope things sprout there for you and your new career path works out.

On: Jael's career path
As for my new career path, it's about 100% definite now, I'll be going to Manila at the end of the month, Apr 2-3 for a few months laboring at my uncles Electronics factory. Mainly I'll be doing gruntwork, in sales, but for me, it presents, on one hand, an opportunity for future growth without dealing with the Politics en masse, and on the other hand, it'll allow me to fly to Singapore (a 4 hour flight') to try to help grow the budding pharmacuetical business that we're trying to build. If things don't work out, and I can't find my place in my uncles factory, then i'll probably be back. No matter what, it's going to be a challenge, and a lot of hard work. I really wanted to get an MBA, and despite getting a 700 on my GMAT, i guess i'll have to stave that off, I hope, not forever.

So yes, I'm a 50th paladin, unbelieveble, the amount of time and effort put into this game. As Eric wisely fortold, it's a sickness, and difficult to quit.. am trying to slow down with the addiction, though slow. It's a whole different game at 50+, with raids and raid defense. You can spend 4 hours just PVPing. Rudy and Jon has started new characters in Firetree and I think Jon is somewhat trying to start a new guild although it doesn't seem to be too motivated to get things done. But regardless of how much I play, I don't think I would ignore friends request, such as signing charters or what not, and I certainly don't get pissed when I go to another server for ten minutes. Odd impression, despite doing just that (jumping to other server, waiting at brill). hmmm. However call it wierd or maybe i'm an ass, but it bothers me when someone doesn't understand the basic differences between "waiting" and "making someone wait".

So just to add in a "little filler" on the conversation before that slide:

Allodin: Hey, where are you? what's taking so long?
Allodin: I've been here for like 20 min
Torego: Oh, I was just finishing up some stuff, I'm coming now.
Allodin: Dude... I'm going back to the other server, just come get me when ur at brill......
Torego: I'll be there in 3 min
Allodin: you should have been here 3 min ago

On Kubla:
So, Kubla is in May, and I would like to see some people run events, it'll be different but in a cool way. We can cause obsenenities and a huge rukus and not get busted. Also to embezzle the game prizes. I hope i get to make it back for that....

On Paintball:

It's amazing how much this "sport" has proliferated. There are stores everywhere now, and THREE magazines or more on the magazine shelves. Kinda cool... I still got my phantom pump gun.