
Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Oh hey, you guys lived! That's nice! I've been hoping somebody else would post so the blog wouldn't just be plastered with my ugly mug. Anyway, not a ton has been happening with me lately. I am spending my time desperately trying to avoid poverty and playing World of Warcraft. Oh! And I taught my roommate Scott Space Hulk. We've played Torch the Toilet like 4 times so far. Man, that is a phenomenal board game. I honestly believe it's one of the best-designed games of all time. It's so tense!

As far as WoW goes, I've mostly given up on poor out-leveled Borst and am concentrating on my Firetree shaman, Torego. That character has really reinvigorated my interest in the game and I played him a ton this weekend. Rudy's also got an undead priest on that server up to 16th level or something. Jael got his Paladin up past 50! He has a warrior on Firetree but has been focusing on his Paladin. (And he gets super-pissed if you drag him away from it for ten minutes, oh, shit!)

Also the weather is awesome in San Francisco. I'm looking outside and it's a nice, bright, sunny day. There's this really cool sort of canyon park near my place called Stern Grove and it's a fun place to walk around in nice weather, play with cool dogs, and edge awkwardly past sobbing couples.

Oh, and also! My Game of Thrones and Twilight Imperium games have been confirmed for KublaCon so Hobbiton, it's on! Sign up for either of those using the links below. I'll probably tell my gaming group about them as well (at least the TI game) so I don't get a bunch of random jarks in there.

Did you guys do any gambling in Las Vegas? More importantly, did any creepy rich guys offer Art a million dollars for a weekend with his wife? Or offer Aaron a million dollars for a weekend with Eric? What I want to know is, did a million dollars exchange hands for any reason at all?