
Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Yeah.. it's weird.

I more or less made up my mind this past weekend that it was a go for sure, and since then almost all of the remaining concerns/questions I had about the process have been nearly magically washed away. Originally, Michelle's contract called for her to repay ALL of her maternity leave benefits if she didn't return to work, but the school district has waived that clause ($2500). I was freaked out about income if I left with Michelle and moved to Vegas before the home was sold/rented and my boss just offered to "lay me off" today so I could collect unemployment to compensate for some of the lost income. I just spoke with a rental management company who said he has three families right now looking to move out of some of his apartments and into a 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage house and are willing to pay about $100 more than I would have expected to do so (which covers his management fee in full). He said he would buy my appliances because the folks that are moving in have their own. I found a mover that will ship all our shit for under $2,000. UNLV told me that they will give me the in-state tuition rate which saves me about $10,000. The refinance guy said that I don't need Michelle's income to qualify for the loan, and that in addition to the already rediculous savings of $450/mo, he can get me about $5k in cash-out as well as a skipped mortgage payment in March (when I'd be moving and needing the cash).

It's just another affirmation for me that when you truly and completely allow yourself to take a step towards the right direction that the universe (or whatever metaphysical/spiritual device you prefer) conspires to make it happen. I'm so fucking happy right now.. it's like a 10,000lb weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

Wow. Just.. wow.

Plus, I'll be a hell of a lot closer to the California Action Team Homeboys. It'll be kick ass to be able to visit with everyone a lot more often.. and hey, even introduce you to Haylee, who is doing just awesome, by the way! She's just turned three months this past week and she's already wearing 9 month old clothing.. yikes. I know she's going to be mobile in the next few months. It's just so hard to put into words how you can love one person so much. It's as though all your aspirations, hopes, loves, and hopeful expectations are all bundled up in this little person that doesn't quite know the opportunities and adventures they're going to experience. Kind of like sitting down to watch the best movie ever made with someone that has never seen it and knows nothing of the plot. It's like the anticipation of Christmas Eve when you've wrapped up the most amazingly perfect gift for a loved one and you can't wait for them to open it in the morning.

If any of that makes sense, anyway. =)

On top of everything, this is going to free me up to spend a LOT of time working on the Badge of Blood software development project. Who knows, maybe that takes off in the next year and we make enough money to be fat and happy with for a long time. I dunno. Thanks everyone for your support and kind words through all of this. Sincerely. Friendship and fellowship means more than anything else in life and you all offer only the best and purest of each.



edit: Aaron, yeah, I'll be going back to the Business program at UNLV although I think I'll be changing from the Hotel/Resort/Restaurant program to the international or e-commerce programs instead. Dunno for sure.. but I've got about 6-8 months to figure it out at any rate.