
Tuesday, January 11, 2005


wow! good for you man. If you think it will be for the better, I would slap down the gloves too and face off with the challenges of life, in hopes of defeating it! I may have a dramatic change too, but it's still too early to tell so I won't share yet. But what major were you thinking of going into or completing? Is this related to the game company that you were thinking about getting involved with?

As for the house, you should formulate your own judgement, but in my opinion I'm with Eric, not on an having the disposable capital basis, but an overall economic perspective. I have been an anti-housing staunch for quite a bit now, and admittedly would have been better off, had I bought a house 2-3 years ago in the Northern California region, posting a handsome profit and probably could have invited Jon and Aaron as roomies as they migrated up here, but the reality is that last year, the mortgage market tapered off. This year, with the interest rate steadily increasing, potential inflation, cost of goods rising, and high prices of homes, chances are were looking at prices going downwards.

Of course, the counter argument is that at least in california, we are continually seeing a huge migration of new home buyers from overseas, namely China and India just to name a few.

So, I would say, sell now, get some gains, OR do a 1031 and use the money to invest in a house in a market that hasn't appreciated like crazy and stave off the capital gain taxes.

All in all, good luck!
