
Friday, August 06, 2004

This just in.. Halliburton has "misplaced" a reported 3.1 BILLION-FUCKING-DOLLARS in sold/liquidated assets in the past few years when Dick Cheney was CEO. Aparently they are being investigated and sued for illegal accounting practices and intentional misrepresentation.

Personally, I think it's funny that people are even shocked about it.

But.. this is as good as ever of a time to let loose with a classic "owned" picture, no?


Gotta admit...

Mustache rides are funny

You know the compose thing works for basic editing and what not, but it is still a bit buggy if you are doing anything more than just entering text. As you saw. It is actually a new feature to blog in the past few months. They keep changing it and everytime I get mad at the changes. I still wish you could preview the entries while you were typing. Now I have to have theactionteam blog open at the same time in a nother window if I need to refer back to it. Blah...

Jack Meehoff
LOL.. so the "compose" thing is adding a bunch of crap into the mix? Augh.

Ok.. message learned. Use the edit HTML tab instead. (but, seriously.. wtf?)

RGR on the image width. Wasn't sure just how big was ok, but I'll check on it from here on out. But come on.. mustache rides? FUNNEH.

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.
Edited so blog would line up correctly.

Art again was learning to link to images.
You mean like this?

lemme give you a hint, use this format (replace '≠' with '<' and '>' respectively, and 'http://www.server.com/image.jpg' with the location of the image):

≠img src="http://www.server.com/image.jpg" alt="yourMomma"≠

(edited so blog would line up correctly again)

This blog was all about Art learning to link to images.
Well said!

Trickle down economics = greed = fat pigs on capitol hill

Go watch manchurian candidate. A little stale and too serious but nice conspiracy movie. reminds me of Conspiracy theory which was a little funnier.

If hose bugger has any sort of brain left in that G. burnish body, he'll start taxing the corporations to finance the 417 billion dollars. He should say "would you like an ol' Texas burger with the french fry war?"


Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hose Bugger

Took me a second to get it. That's funny.

You know what is crazy about M$? They only started giving dividends 15 moths ago. eVaR! For a company with that gigantic of a cash reserve, it's obscene. Yet they never needed to do this becuase their stocks were so desireable. They have had so much growth for so long. Everyone wants a piece of the action. They are planning on spending a combined total of ~75 billion over the next four years on this one time $32 dividened, $30 billion to buy back stocks, and some 13 billion in divideneds over the remaining 4 year period. Biggest cash disbursement ever. Appearently the divideneds should be a good boost to a lot of mutual fund owners since a lot of mutuals feature MSFT stock. M$ also only has somewhere between 56 and 60 billion in cash in reserve. Is the 150 billion in convertable assets? Maybe Hose Bugger should order a gov't freeze on M$ and take the liquid assets to help pay for the war. Screw the share holders, we have a freedom french fry war to get on.

George bush?

hose bugger (decrypted)? The guy should throw himself in a tank of acid for the greater good of human kind. Seriously.

On the side note: jayne mansfield has a 163 IQ... she could be a Nazi General.

Also, Enron - I share your pain on these oil companies. But if you think about it, with all the scandals and non-exposed scandals, does these corporate profits really take you by surprise? Microsoft has a 150 billion dollar CASH reserve. It's only now that "they" proposed a dividend of 30 billion to be distributed over the next decade because that's all they feel they can "comfortably" afford.

Eat RB's! I love the RBQ sauce!

You know..

I almost posted that quote this morning, I guess horrified minds think a like. I didnt post it because I didnt want to be the guy to stir up the pissed at Bush angst we all seem to have. I guess it is about that time for another one of those frenzies we get into every couple of weeks.

What I love is the quagmire is going to just get worse in Iraq. Way to go Bush. Some analysts have been reported by the BBC as saying we will need to be present for 3-5 years in Iraq. Tut de suck. Hmm let's see, budget cuts everywhere, a desperate need for consumer spending incentive, and rotting schools. Can't do anything about that, I got me a little war that might make me and my buddy's a few more percentage points on my already fat stacks.

Oh and oil prices hit yet another record today @ $44.50/barrel. Rule! Isnt it great that the oil companies have the largest profit profit margins on high crude oil prices? All the big oil companies posted the best earnings in a while this past quarter. With so much money, you would think they would do something good with it... Like pay more special interest groups and lobbyest to protect their interests so that they can loot more. Sweet.

Exxon Mobil 1st Qtr 03 net profits - $4.17 billion
Exxon Mobil 1st Qtr 04 net profits - $5.79 billion

Royal Dutch/Shell 1st Qtr 03 net profits - $2.60 billion
Royal Dutch/Shell 1st Qtr 04 net profits - $4.00 billion*

ConocoPhillips 1st Qtr 03 net profits - $1.19 billion
ConocoPhillips 1st Qtr 04 net profits - $2.08 billion

* After several civil suit fines of $156 million

Perhaps the problem lies here:

"These profits probably appear gross, and consumers wonder why they're not lowering the prices," Baxter said (director of an energy institute at Southern Methodist University). "They could do that, but the first time they did, the CEO would get fired."

George Bush is the Worst President Evar

Referencing a $417 Billion dollar defense spending bill, Bush stated:

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.
They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."


BTW, I went to the friendly neighborhood MB Library two days ago and the periodicals section looked like the barren wasteland that is George Bush's Intellect. I wondered why and found pieces of paper where the magazines should be stating "Due to an 80% cut in our periodicals budget, this magazine will no longer be offered. If you would like to donate a subscription to this magazine please contact Mr. Blah Blah."

Hmmm. At least I now know where the 80% budget for magazines is going.... TO A FUCKING $417 BILLION FUCKING DOLLAR DEFENSE FUCKING SPENDING BILL!!!!!!! Holy shit.
Question for the day:

How much butt would a head butt butt if a head butt could butt butt?

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Mend the Fence

Rude: I have to say the "Mending the Fence" was pretty damn funny. A close second was the way he kept holding the sickle and looking back at the horse menacingly every so often.

Aaaart: Yeah the Napoleon Dynamite thing is pretty good. Eric, did you ever meet Sander down in San Diego? Damn that guy was a spitting image of Sander. Pretty much just as annoying.


Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Hellboy: Thumbs Up

Just watched Hellboy. I liked it! I've never read the comics (gonna try em out now), so watchin it was absolutely NO background info on it, I really dug it. Ron Pearlman's the shit. I dunno how Cthulu inspired the comics are, but this flick had a ton of cthulu-esque shit in it (including some awesome looking "great old ones" types of monsters from space.) Definately recommend it. It's got a lot of humor in it which might turn you guys off, but I thought it was pretty well-balanced. I liked Blade and UNderworld and all that, BUT they were mostly "serious" throughout, and that can get kinda burnt. This flick sticks to it's tone pretty good. Watch it.

Just saw Napoleon Dynamite.. that was awesome! Absolutely fantastic.

Nice find on the Dubya clip there! Although, the gag kind of gets stale towards the end.. but still good.

the part where he's "mending the fence" is priceless! omg lol
Amusing Will Ferrell goodness


Monday, August 02, 2004

Appropriate Image

More reason for your guys to play some fire emblem:

Of course he's a bad guy though - still worth a chuckle!

Actually, I was referring to the insert/delete key.. which I usually use for editing my wandering jibbit style.

Unless there's something I've got to enable or.. something.


Holy hell! It works now.


I'm.. dumbfounded. Or just dumb. Equally as possible.. but that's very weird. It wasn't deleting characters in my last post.. my God, I'm losing my mind.

Unrelated comment: Just bought Call of Duty and am having a good time with it.

Speaking of Danzig.. you guys see that video where good ole Glenn gets thumped in a post-show fight with some dude that was supposed to play at the show but got clipped despite assurances that his band would play? Got a chuckle out of that.
Duly Noted

Then the best way to fix mistakes is to edit it. Just get rid of the post and change it to a different entry. Also, Phriday Photoshop was pretty funny. Also, Yo Momma!

Am I Demon?

PS I hate writing! I get so antsy while I am doing it I can not sit still. Grrrr!
Noobie blogger update: Delete Key is inop.

So noted.


Fire Emblem Fun.. wow. Heh.. reminds me of the "Hentai reviews" at www.somethingawful.com . You ever check those out? FUNNEH.

Speaking of SA.. You guys see this past week's Photoshop Phriday at something awful? Pretty good job of coming up with "phake video games". Also got a reasonable chuckle out of the new comedy goldmine with the power rangers.

Interesting info on the rogaine and propecia.. always wondered if they really worked or were bullshit. Although, you raise an interesting question on the second part. What happens if you stop taking the stuff? Does it completely reverse the process? That's a toughie. I suppose a little internet searching would maybe generate some info on that.

Regarding medical questions, anyone know much about cord blood storage and/or stem cell stuff? I've been reading up on it with my impending baby on a few months and there seems to be a big split on whether or not it is worth doing.. especially at $300-400 a shot!

Aaron pretty much nailed my angle on religion as well. I'm not sure if spirituality/supreme-being-power-guy-thing is existent nor purely imaginary. There's some part of me that thinks that science, nature, and the rest of the universe could be considered such an "energy".. and that organized religion is more or less our search for understanding and knowing of the divine/unknown.

It has become rather aparent to me even through my limited study on the matter in the year or two that on the whole, modern Christianity and Islam were founded on false pretenses and were tainted by the greed and ambition of man which more or less created the manufactured religon we have today. As I alluded to previously, even the name of the original guy that everyone knows as "Jesus" today was changed. The Jewish angle on things is a little less "hand in the cookie jar" but has been equally over fertilized through the millenia. What began, likely, merely as a collection or oral traditions was eventually recorded in written common law and hygiene-related mandates. Throughout history, people have searched for answers to the universe we live in and consistently have applied supernatural/whimsical answers to the unexplained or mysterious. The sun is a god! The moon is made of cheese! The Earth is the center of the universe... so on and so forth. So, what better way to yoke the masses into towing the line and being good little workers than to drill into their heads from birth that there are supernatural reasons for everything in life that are beyond questioning. Be a good little worker bee and you'll get your kingdom in heaven.. make sure to pay your local church 10% on the way out. Thanks for coming.

Anyhow.. on to happier stuff. Less than two months to go until I'm a daddy. Very strange.. but very exciting all the same. Can't wait! The money issue is a bit scary, but you gotta do what you've gotta do.. we'll find a way to make it work one way or another.



Sunday, August 01, 2004

Fire Emblem Fun

I've been playing too much of it.
Good game though!

Hair Gainage

If you dont mind my asking, how much does it cost for those two treatments? Are they still prescription? Just curious.

Saw Napoleon Dynamite last night. Your right Elrock, that is a funny movie. I think it is one of those movies that will get better as you watch it more. Defintely quirky humor.

Back to Black
Rogaine and Propecia works

Fyi, for my friends first.

After 2 months of consistent application and eating prop, I am seeing little butt fuzz grow longer. Cosmetically, it doesn't even resemble a long black hair, or visible at a long distance, and it grows SO SLOW, 2 month = 1 mm.
But it is growing nonetheless. I have also noticed a decrease in the rate of fallout hair. However I cannot verify my second claim as that's not visible or accurately countable. But if I had kept on shedding, my hairline would have receded more by now?

I will continue Consistently using (that's key) for the next 4 months and see if those millimeters of growth will continue. I have no idea if 1) the hairs will even grow into large strands of visible hair, or continue to be thin small fuzz. 2) or if the medicine will continue to work.

BTW, mine is of frontal recession.

Side effects: I have not noticed a loss of libido. There doesn't seem to be any visible side effects with Propecia.

Rogaine creates a flakiness of the skin. At first, this may seem like its causing more irreparable scalp damage, but it's part of the side effects, and I certainly hope it's not irreparable.

Final thoughts:
In the past I have used both rogaine and propecia, on and off monts at a time. I wonder if using them makes you addicted and therefore will cause further loss when you stop applying the medicine.

All these uncertainties!
