
Thursday, August 05, 2004

Hose Bugger

Took me a second to get it. That's funny.

You know what is crazy about M$? They only started giving dividends 15 moths ago. eVaR! For a company with that gigantic of a cash reserve, it's obscene. Yet they never needed to do this becuase their stocks were so desireable. They have had so much growth for so long. Everyone wants a piece of the action. They are planning on spending a combined total of ~75 billion over the next four years on this one time $32 dividened, $30 billion to buy back stocks, and some 13 billion in divideneds over the remaining 4 year period. Biggest cash disbursement ever. Appearently the divideneds should be a good boost to a lot of mutual fund owners since a lot of mutuals feature MSFT stock. M$ also only has somewhere between 56 and 60 billion in cash in reserve. Is the 150 billion in convertable assets? Maybe Hose Bugger should order a gov't freeze on M$ and take the liquid assets to help pay for the war. Screw the share holders, we have a freedom french fry war to get on.
