
Saturday, February 21, 2004

You're Welcome! :)

Got your guyzez thank you card today Eric and Leslie! You're totally welcome - the wedding was a blast. Dude, I know why I didn't get the 1st invitation - you guys have my address correct except you didn't have my Apt number (6) - so, it just prolly went to the wrong apt. This time, the guy downstairs gave me the thank you note. :) So, if you get married again, make sure to get my apt number.

sausage time.

Friday, February 20, 2004

Aron- I found a copy of civilization (eaglenet games) on ebay for 33.95 (39 total) 2nd edition. But after reading some articles on it, I found out an average game takes 5-8 hours Doh! I don't know. It's hard enough to convince people to play a 2 hour doosey let alone a 5 hour one. I just can't justify the return on investment and the cost, and only playing it once every 2 years or so.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

bloodbowl - nice write up erlin! I'm there- DO IT!
And like i said, super blood bowl sunday needs to be played in person either here or up north! YARZ!
A note to those RPG nutz in the group...

The old Paranoia RPG will return to the press this august: Press release. It appears to be a Mongoose Publishing effort but I did not see any note of it on their site. Based on Mongoose's other titles, It looks like another D20 system.


I would not go so far as to say martyred. More like made an example of. Home boy needs a good thrashing. Too many of those fuggers are one of the pieces in the puzzle of a depressed economy. Why? Because the rediculous sum of millions of dollars a year for being a CEO was not enough. I mean who can live on 10 mil a year. Such a pittance. They need to cheat the American public out of a few more, no matter what the expense. I understand business. I went to business school and I have been a businessman myself, albiet not too sucessful, but, I know that there are certain things you just dont do. They just make all honest business people look like rats. Fuggers.

Orange Julius, The Warrior Pope
CEO of Enron

This guy is sooo fucked

"former chief executive of Enron, Jeffrey K. Skilling, pleaded not guilty today to nearly three dozen counts of fraud, conspiracy, securities fraud, wire fraud and insider trading arising from the company's financial collapse."

On one hand, he deserves it. It's hard to believe that no insider trading or corporate looting took place. He deserves the "pound me in the ass prison"

On the other hand, I'm sure he's being martyred for this, and there are other companies out there that are equally corrupt. While we ignore everything else that goes on, we care to clean up only what we can see.



Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Here Be the Supar Cup Rules sheet

Check 'em out if ye be care'n to play!

Supar Cup!
ICQ is all good

Doesn't matter which one to me. I actually don't like any of them! The consoles try to hog up all the desk space, clog up the registry and draw unecessary resources for the automatic launch. Although you can turn it off, you can never get it entirely out of the system.

Loopnet carries quite a bit of information. Well the idea is to get 1.2 million dollars of OTHER peoples money... however ludicrous it sounds, if there is a good idea, other people will invest. It doesn't have to be bound to residential properties either. Small commercial malls are all valid targets. I was thinking of properties in Vegas because, obviously the area is still developing and real estate is comparatively cheap to south bay or the bay area. Just some thoughts.

Another idea that my brother was telling me of this past weekend upon his return from asia:
Exporting vitamins to China - The biggest problem lies in distribution. Basically, who's going to help you sell it, where, etc, etc. Do you sell it OTC, or through hospitals.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Blog THIS, you Sonovabitch

- Fun room, Rudy!

- Are you looking at property management, or apartment ownership? Property managers typically get paid 5% of the monthly revenue of any property they manage, be it apartment, commercial, or residential. Then apartment ownership is the guy who pays the management company to take care of his property, these are the people who make al the money (rich get richer). Interesting post Ice lee, you begin by saying that it is impossible to make money without money and then step right into "all I need is to put 1.2 million as a down... Also, the $34,000 a month, is roughly halved for operating expenses, so you are looking at 15,000 a month.... definately NOT peanuts.... Check out Loopnet for some commercial and multi-unit residential properties. Its a nice place to start looking.

- If I can get it together, is everyone ready to start The Supar League next monday? I will finalize the rules and the schedule and we can get it on! Also, should we use ICQ (which seemed to be the subject of much derision last time) or use another messenger? AIM, Yahoo, MSN, etc?

- I still can't believe that I went to a Rugby 7's tournament on Valentines Day! FYI R Dub, ARGENTINA won the tournament! They beat New Zealand in the finals! Samoa beat England! I think the US failed to score all tournament!

Monday, February 16, 2004

really fun! try to get out of this room:


You guys ever see this site, www.despair.com ? PRetty funny stuff. :D

Johnny what ever that place was that we ate at last night was, it gave me the most delicious gas eVaR. I mean just straight up foul. Not quite Nutty, but pushing the limits of my tolerance. In other news I saw Paycheck last night. You know the underlying idea behind the story and most of the plot was pretty cool. The acting: Thumbs down. The fight/chase scenes: Two thumbs down. They make Ben Afleck an engineer, but in one token scene in the begining, they randomly throw a scene in with him doing martial arts to justify 15 minutes of poorly coreographed martial art scenes later in the movie. Motorcycle chase scene: Burnt. Johnny brought up a good point: It is a John Woo movie. Rating: Renter but worth seeing for some of the story line..

Jon: You ever go back and watch Conan movies? Damn the acting is horrid, but I still see why I liked them as a kid. Sword fights!

"My fear is that my children will never understand me"

PS anyone other than Johnny and I have any idea as to how they are feeling about Kubla Khan?

Sunday, February 15, 2004

I like Conan!

I spent a lot of dough on the d20 Conan RPG today. Why did I do it?

1. The Conan stories are awesome. I like pulp (hey, Lovecraft is pulp) and Robert E. Howard knew what he was about. I got a collection of Conan stories and they're great... super-violent, morally interesting, no Austrian accents.
2. I wanted a d20 game that I could have in one book. I'm burnt out on standard D&D and I wish I didn't have 2 boxes of D&D stuff. The mammoth Conan book has it all, and it's a grittier kind of fantasy system.
3. I had fifty dollars burning a hole in my pocket.
4. I have never seen such gigantism in a scrotum before.