
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

ICQ is all good

Doesn't matter which one to me. I actually don't like any of them! The consoles try to hog up all the desk space, clog up the registry and draw unecessary resources for the automatic launch. Although you can turn it off, you can never get it entirely out of the system.

Loopnet carries quite a bit of information. Well the idea is to get 1.2 million dollars of OTHER peoples money... however ludicrous it sounds, if there is a good idea, other people will invest. It doesn't have to be bound to residential properties either. Small commercial malls are all valid targets. I was thinking of properties in Vegas because, obviously the area is still developing and real estate is comparatively cheap to south bay or the bay area. Just some thoughts.

Another idea that my brother was telling me of this past weekend upon his return from asia:
Exporting vitamins to China - The biggest problem lies in distribution. Basically, who's going to help you sell it, where, etc, etc. Do you sell it OTC, or through hospitals.