
Thursday, December 09, 2004

Need your opinions..

So the project I'm working on is simultaneously looking to release a RPG version of the concept at the same time as the first person shooter game.. or maybe a little before the computer edition. Anyone know much about the Open Gamers License system and/or d20 "open-source" licensing? I'm wondering if you guys have used any self-made systems in your many travels through gaming-land and have an opinion on them OR.. if you have a potential alternative in mind for creating a custom RPG world.

Essentially, they want to use more of a skills-based system (along the lines of Warhammer) instead of "levels", and the setting is going to be futuristic in nature with plenty of gunplay and whatnot. I was thinking of suggesting GURPS, but I don't honestly remember what the underlying game mechanics are like. Does it use percentage-rolls, and would it support a skill-based advancement of characters?
