
Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Jon's Con Report

This was a good con! We all won tons of swag. WoTC had a very large booth with tons of demo games. (D&D Minis, MLB Showdown, etc..) You could go to the prize booth and get a "character sheet," and then do demos. For every demo you did your sheet got a stamp... when you were ready you could go back to the prize booth and roll a large, foam 20-sided die. The goal was to "hit" monsters at increasing DCs. The first one got you some Magic cards n' shit, the second one got you some D&D/Star Wars miniatures, the third roll got you a D&D rulebook or boardgame, and the fourth roll got you a bunch more of the above. Well, all of us got the first two rolls, and everyone except Eric, I think, got the third. So we all got some form of board game or rulebook plus a bunch of other shit.

So yeah, I won Risk: Godstorm, Rudy won the future version, Aaron won Betrayal at House on the Hill (a very fun, sorta cheesy, "horror" board game... very good win). A good few additions to the boardgame pool.

And yeah, I bought Twilight Imperium 3rd ed on the first day. I decided to get my obscene purchasing over with. We tried to play it on Saturday night, only to discover that due to a printing error we were missing an important piece. Fortunately I was able to go to the booth on Sunday and get a replacement.

(BTW, I've had TI from way back! I still have the 1st edition with the crappy chits, somewhere. I think it's a great game. They made a -lot- of changes to the rules for this edition so that it's a little quicker [<5 hours] and so that everyone is involved more often. You go 'round robin activating actions and systems, rather than one person taking his entire turn at a time.)

So we played Godstorm instead. It was extremely late by this time and we were all beat, and I overturned the board halfway through, but it was a good time. Johnny, you'll definitely like it. Oh, don't be red because Aaron stuck two pieces up his nose, in retaliation for which I yelled "take it take it take it take it" whenever he made a move. Also, don't fuck with Denis because he will fucking go crazy on your ass.

Aaron, Denis and I stuck around on the last day to see the results of the miniature painting contest Denis entered. It's a good thing we did because he won! His mini kicked ass over the rest of the competition and he won a shitload of paints. The best part of -that- was when they were taking a picture of him and Aaron was yelling "Denis, smile! Smile!"

We finished it off with a fine meal at El Gringo. Ah, nourishment.

(By the way: did anyone win an MLB Showdown starter? That game was actually pretty fun. I'd play it again, despite knowing nothing about baseball....)