
Saturday, December 11, 2004

gggggggg rrgrgrrrgrrg..... paint soooo tasty, like suckling straight from the teats of a paint cow. Oh the colors.....

Salutations Art! We have not been formally introduced. I'm Denis. Jon won me at a raffle and hasn't had the heart to put me out yet. So they let me into the Action Team as the team gimp.

As to your question, Jon's right in trying the forum at RPG.net for more informed opinions. That said, if I may put in my 2 coppers. I think the open license d20 system has the broadest reach. The number of products published for the system is larger than any other. I don't know much on the legal side, but it seems it might be easier to put out a product with that system than trying to get a publisher to use outside source material. The actual game mechanics outside standard fantasy D&D I don't know much about. Though 3rd ed. did move more toward a skill based system, I'm not sure if it's enough for your needs. If you have a chance, take a look at the "D20 Modern" series. I'm not sure if that is open license, but you could get some ideas. Not so much class reliant, just basic archetypes and I think more skill based. Plus I think it has gnoll pimps! That alone is worth the price of admission. Oh yeah maybe d20 Star Wars for more sci fi stuff.

One more announcement. You BASTARDS!!!!!!! I'm all twitchy from the crack. The crack that is World of Warcraft. Female Night Elf Hunter - Kasiopaeia (Draenor server). booooooooo!