
Monday, November 01, 2004

Ya jael, I don't think they literally have bin laden in front of a backdrop or anything that ridiculous, BUT I think it's pretty easy to see how the administration has been using the spectre of "terror and fear" to try and manipulate the american public. Also, and this had to be pointed out to me by a friggin' comedian and NOT the media, whenever the bush adminstration has fucked-up with it's little scandals and lies, they've raised the terror alert, even when it comes out afterwards that there wasn't any credible reason to do so.

These 4 years have been a sick joke, and I hope to god they're coming to an end. Kerry and the Dems are no saints, and I'm sure there's way more in common between the two parties than either would like the public to know (from the Daily Show: This years election: Skull vs. Bones cuz both kerry and bush are bonesmen), and think i'd sleep a little better at night knowing that bush (and more importantly, his cronies who are the TRUE evil-masterminds) was not in the white house.