
Thursday, November 11, 2004

LOL! Too funny.. check it:

Congratulations, Art!Your IQ score is 73

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Inventive Inquisitor. You have the unusual distinction of being equally good (and by equally good, we mean you are about as dumb as a box of rocks.. and too dim to realize that equally good also means equally bad, which is great.. because we're going to try and sell you a full report on just how stupid you really are in a minute here!) at math and verbal skills. This means you are a creative thinker (pants first, THEN shoes!) and are uniquely good at teaching others through experiences (Stupid is as stupid does, after all). You are also a great improviser (meaning: able to use your bare hand in the absence of toiletpaper) and very good at handling change (as in switching from Elmers to just regular glue-paste.)

Find out more in your personalized 15-page IQ Report. It's ready right now!


(Give us your $10, you drooling, mouthbreather!)

