
Saturday, November 13, 2004


That was funny, even if a bit harsh. I read it in the voice of Dennis Leary for added punch.

Hehe.. HEY.. about tomorrow night's gaming. I think we aught to plan ahead so we can hook up this week. Is the teamspeak server going to be up and running? If not, I think we really need to figure this out ahead of time. I was thinking of maybe trying out the Eye Of The Beholder player module as a group? Not a lot of roleplaying, I don't think.. but plenty of puzzles, hacking and slashing to take on.

Does that sound interesting to anyone else?

BTW.. I finally finished Honor Amongst Theives. I estimate that there are at least three to four alternate endings.. wow.. very very cool! In my ending, I managed to get the entire city destroyed and every inhabitant killed. LOL.. whoopsie. Can't wait to go back and try it again in a different style/flavor.