
Thursday, November 11, 2004

I have woolly boogers

O rugs: Thats a bummer. I was hoping to see you down there but it looked kind of jacked from the begining anyway so I didnt hold much hope that you would be able to make it. Bad timing I guess. Anyway, you will have to make plans for the next one. Memorial Day weekend. San Francisco. Kubla Con. Last couple years were great. All you see is racis' facis'.

jAEl: I would love to game it up on Friday, But we have been handed mission of death on Friday night. Looks like I will be working well into the wee hours of the morning Friday night. Tonight is supposed to be a real pain in the butt too. I guess I shouldn't complain too much. Last week I only had 23 hours. Got sick. D'oh.

Jon: Did you make it up? I hope you arent still sick. I still have little flavors of being sick right now. What a grizzly virus. Fugger!
