
Thursday, November 25, 2004

I dunno if you've ever played with the OIC named Ricemag, but he rules! I was a part of his crew, and we went in with 6 tanks, maybe 12 inf (in diff teams) and awesome air support. Took a town - went SO smooth. I was a part of the 2nd recon team, and when the orders came I nabbed a depot, and held it till we owned that town. After the town was ours I went outside kinda goofin around, and some enemy dude steps in front of me! We both shoot - we both go down - i was injured, he was dead. It was rad. Then today when I checked, that town was owned by the axis again - oh well! :) it's such a fun game. Today was kinda burnt - went on a 2 hour mission! Rode a boat out to a secluded island that had a enemy base, when we finally got close (i was riding on a tank) a 110 nailed me a few times (almost dead) and then I got popped a few minutes later. Dude, 2 fuckin hours to get there, and its over like that. Communication was wack - having an awesome OIC really makes a difference.

Oh, and turkey-day was cool. Stuft my fat-ass to the limit, and beyond.